What’s Hot and What’s Not in the exciting world of Nutraceuticals 🚀

From revolutionary ingredients to emerging trends, let’s dive into the ever-changing landscape of health and wellness.

Explore the latest innovations and stay ahead of the curve as we uncover what’s shaping the future of nutraceuticals.


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Our NEW stand

After months of work by the team (kudos @Pauline), we had our first show with a brand new decor. This very colorful design caused quite a stir!



After a slight post-epidemic decline, immunity is back in the spotlight. Nutraceutical products offering immunity support are booming, and in particular: vitamin C, zinc and probiotics are highly sought-after.

🪸 Seaweeds

Touted as “The Next Superfood”, good for you and for the planet, seaweeds should be in everyone’s plates… and supplements! Packed with vitamins and minerals, along with polyphenols and soluble and insoluble fibers, these have the potential to create a health wave!

🍃Natural ingredients and sustainability

Consumers are increasingly attentive to the quality of ingredients and the environmental impact of the products they buy. Nutraceuticals made from natural and sustainable ingredients have become very attractive to health- and environmentally-conscious consumers.

💊 Bioavailability

The bioavailability of dietary supplements is essential, as it determines their ability to be absorbed and used by the body. Opting for products with high bioavailability guarantees efficient nutrient utilization and optimal health results.

If you’re looking for collagen with good bioavailability, we’ve got just what you need!

In fact, CARTIDYSS® is a hydrolyzed collagen. 

Hydro…what? The fact that it’s hydrolyzed means that it’s made up of low-molecular-weight peptides.

You’re probably wondering why you should choose hydrolyzed collagen?  Low molecular weight peptides are easily digested, absorbed and distributed in the organism.  So when choosing your collagen supplement, it’s very important to take peptide size into account, for better bioavailability! Oh! And CARTIDYSS has a human bioavailability study to prove it!

Losing traction

📋 Overpromising

Nutraceutical products that make unrealistic or exaggerated promises without a sound scientific basis lose credibility with informed consumers. Transparency and realistic, substantiated claims are essential to maintain consumer confidence.

 Synthetic ingredients

As consumers seek more natural and organic options, nutraceutical products containing synthetic ingredients are on the decline. Natural ingredients are preferred for their perceived safety and efficacy.

By the way, if you’re looking for natural, organic, standardized plant-based iodine, YES, you read that right, it does exist! At innoVactiv we’ve got just what you’re looking for!


Our ingredient IODAID™ comes from the upcycling of brown seaweed co-products from Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus.

In addition to offering multiple benefits, it is 100% natural, organic, but above all it is plant-based.

🍔 🍰 🍡 Supercharging

The tendency to take too many supplements without any real need is declining. Consumers are turning to more balanced, personalized approaches to supplementation, looking for products tailored to their specific needs.

 🏃‍ “Fat burner” claims

Dietary supplements promising “fat burner” effects are declining in popularity due to growing consumer distrust of quick-fix weight loss solutions, as well as stricter regulations surrounding health claims not backed by solid scientific evidence.

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